2022 All-Star

HBCU Student Showcase: Immanuel Smith

Immanuel Smith always had a special interest in art and was influenced by the creativity of his mother and grandmother.

“I am not led, I lead”
HBCU Showcase Student Art Immanuel Smith
Artwork Theme: HBCU Academic Excellence

The inspiration behind this piece stems from being in classes at my institution. Seeing the efforts my professors put into making sure we have the knowledge, wisdom, and tools to succeed and the efforts my peers make to take in what we’ve been taught. There are many places that can give you the knowledge to succeed, but few give you the knowledge to lead.

Immanuel Smith

School/Year: Central State University/Senior

Major: Graphic Design Major, Philosophy Minor

Hometown: Oak Park, MI

Portfolio Link: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:

Follow: Instagram | Twitter

Immanuel Smith was born in Nashville, Tennessee and raised by his mother in Oak Park, Michigan. Growing up, Immanuel always had a special interest in art and was influenced by the creativity of his mother and grandmother. He continued to grow his talent throughout high school. At Southfield Christian School his teacher and mentor helped him broaden his knowledge of the various art mediums. After high school, Immanuel wanted to attend an HBCU like his mother who attended Fisk University. Ultimately, he selected Central State University. At Central State University, Immanuel furthers his journey as a graphic designer. In his art, he looks to those who came before him for inspiration. Immanuel wants to try fashion design, jewelry design, interior design, music and more. He wishes to truly embody the idea of being an artist.
