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Forbes: NBA teams worth $2.86 billion on average

The Golden State Warriors rank No. 1 at $7 billion, while the New York Knicks ($6.1B) and Los Angeles Lakers ($5.9B) round out the top 3.

Golden State’s franchise value increased 25% from last year, per Forbes.

The Golden State Warriors are worth $7 billion, making them the most valuable NBA team for the first time ever in Forbes’ annual NBA franchise valuations.

Mike Ozanian and Justin Teitelbaum of Forbes write that the Warriors’ value increased 25% from last year to this year as Golden State generated the most revenue and raked in $150 million from arena sponsorship and advertising — double the mark of any other NBA team.

In their annual rankings, Forbes said franchise values across the league have risen 15% over the past year to reach an average value of $2.86 billion.

The New York Knicks are second ($6.1 billion) followed by the Los Angeles Lakers ($5.9 billion), Chicago Bulls ($4.1 billion) and Boston Celtics ($4 billion) to round out Forbes’ top five.

Overall, seven teams — including the Warriors — saw their value change year-over-year by more than 20%: the Phoenix Suns (up 50%), Washington Wizards (30%), Miami Heat (30%), Philadelphia 76ers (29%), Toronto Raptors (25%), the Warriors (25%), Cleveland Cavaliers (24%), Dallas Mavericks (22%), Milwaukee Bucks (21%) and Detroit Pistons (20%).

The New Orleans Pelicans were the lowest-valued team ($1.6 billion), while 12 teams are worth more than the average figure of $2.87 billion — the Miami Heat ($3 billion), Raptors ($3.1 billion), 76ers ($3.15 billion), Houston Rockets ($3.2 billion), Mavericks ($3.3 billion), Brooklyn Nets ($3.5 billion) and LA Clippers ($3.9 billion) and the rest of the top five.
